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    • STATICFILES_DIRSstatic 폴더 추가하여 정적파일(getCookie.js) 관리
  • base.html: {% load static %} & {% static 'js/getCookie.js %}를 사용하여 정적파일을 링크 (이렇게 안하면 라우트 뒤에 src가 붙습니다 ⚠️)

[!note] Your project will probably also have static assets that aren’t tied to a particular app. In addition to using a static/ directory inside your apps, you can define a list of directories (STATICFILES_DIRS) in your settings file where Django will also look for static files. For example:

    BASE_DIR / "static",


Helper function to return a URL pattern for serving files in debug mode:

이상한 코드를 보았다.

urlpatterns 뒤에 static()+ 연산으로 이어붙인 것 같은데, 이건 도대체 뭐냐?

from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static

urlpatterns = [
    # ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)